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Showing posts with the label framework

How to create spring application by using eclipse IDE

To create spring application by using eclipse IDE, we have to follow below steps. There are majorly 5 steps we mentioned for how to create spring application by using eclipse IDE. That are, Create Java Project Add spring jar files Create the bean class Create XML file to provide values Create the Test class Create Java Project:         Follow these suggestions to create a new Java Project in Eclipse IDE. File --> New --> Java Project         Click 'Next' and then click 'Finish'. Add Spring libraries:         Once creating the project you can download the Spring core module libraries from the Internet and add it into your creating project. Spring core library files:         The below which I mentioned library files are related to Spring core module. In that which are mandatory and which are option...

Hibernate auto increment with example

In previous example we learn how to map java object with database table for manually(not using auto increment) assigned all the values.  To create primary key auto increment application by using hibernate mapping(hbm.xml) or using annotations continue reading this article.  W e need to create a database and create an employee table by using the below query. Table: CREATE table EMPLOYEE( eid integer ( 10 ) primary key not null , firstname varchar ( 30 ), lastname varchar ( 30 ), designation varchar ( 30 ), salary double( 10 , 2 )); Here, we will create a bean/POJO (Plain Old Java Object) class of employee. package com . javatbrains . hibernate ; import ; /*This is the POJO class. It contains only Getter and Setter methods*/ public class Employee implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = - 75885815725314443L ; private int eid ; ...

hibernate sample application with example

Hibernate is ORM(Object Relational Mapping) framework for mapping java object with database table. A brief description about Configuration, SessionFactory, Session, Query, Criteria, Transaction and follow the same for sample application creation using hibernate. Configuration:   Configuration is that the initial object you wish to make any of hibernate application and typically making one time throughout the applying initialization. It represents the configuration or properties file providing by hibernate. SessionFactory:   Configuration object is employed to make SessionFactory instance that intern configures hibernate for the applying. SessionFactory object is significant weight part, it's created throughout application start up time and unbroken for later use. The way to do this we are going to see in below application. We would like one SessionFactory object per info employing a separate configuration. Therefore if you victimization multiple databases then you'd o...