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Showing posts with the label java 8

Steps to download and install JDK

As on when we started learning of any new technology, we should know what are the prerequisites to learn that technology. Like from where we can download the required software? and how to install it? Follow reading this article to understand, from where we can download Java JDK software and how to install it in Windows environment? Java has two different layers like JDK and JRE. JDK stands for Java Development Kit and JRE stands for Java Runtime Environment. We need to install JDK for Java development and JRE for executing compiled Java classes. JRE is majorly used in Production environments. Now, you might have the question from where I can download the JDK software? To download the latest version of JDK click here , to download JDK 8 version click here , to download older version click here . We need to accept the license to download the JDK by clicking on Radio button as shown in the below screen, Then click on OS specific link to start download process.       ...

Basic Java Features

The below mentioned list will explain you the list of java features available. These features are found by comparing java with other technologies/languages. Java has set of advantages/features. Because of these features java becomes more popular than others. Features are, Simple Object oriented Platform independent Secure Robust Architecture Neutral Portable Dynamic Interpreted High performance Multi-threaded Distributed  Simple: Java is simple in, Syntax is familiar to C++(So easier to programmer to learn after C++) Removing many confusing or rarely used features. Like Pointers, Structures/Unions, etc. Introducing Garbage Collection. Object Oriented: Java is Object Oriented language, means we organised our software as combination of different types of objects. Object Oriented Programming (Oops) is a methodology that simplifies software development and maintenance by providing some rules. Basic Oops concepts are, Object Class Inheritance Polymorp...