ERROR - The value ie10 was not previously defined
Error: The value IE6 / IE10 was not previously defined error we will get while trying to build the GWT application with different set of jar versions. There is also the sub exception while processing element 'set-property'. Loading inherited module ' com . sencha . gxt . ui . GXT ' [ java ] Loading inherited module ' com . sencha . gxt . data . Data ' [ java ] Loading inherited module ' com . sencha . gxt . core . Core ' [ java ] [ ERROR ] The value ie10 was not previously defined . [ java ] [ ERROR ] Line 76 : Unexpected exception while processing element ' set - property ' [ java ] com . google . gwt . core . ext . UnableToCompleteException : ( see previous log entries ) [ java ] at com . google . gwt . dev . cfg . ModuleDefSchema $BodySchema . __set_property_end ( ModuleDefSchema . java : 669 ) [ java ] at sun . reflect . GeneratedMethodAccessor10 . invoke ( ...