
ERROR - The value ie10 was not previously defined

Error: The value IE6 / IE10 was not previously defined error we will get while trying to build the GWT application with different set of jar versions. There is also the sub exception while processing element 'set-property'. Loading inherited module ' com . sencha . gxt . ui . GXT ' [ java ] Loading inherited module ' com . sencha . gxt . data . Data ' [ java ] Loading inherited module ' com . sencha . gxt . core . Core ' [ java ] [ ERROR ] The value ie10 was not previously defined . [ java ] [ ERROR ] Line 76 : Unexpected exception while processing element ' set - property ' [ java ] com . google . gwt . core . ext . UnableToCompleteException : ( see previous log entries ) [ java ] at com . google . gwt . dev . cfg . ModuleDefSchema $BodySchema . __set_property_end ( ModuleDefSchema . java : 669 ) [ java ] at sun . reflect . GeneratedMethodAccessor10 . invoke ( ...

Types of hibernate bean states

As of we know hibernate follows the ORM features, Java bean class maps with database table. While mapping java bean class with database table it traverse through different types of states. That are Transient, Persistent and Detached states.   Different states of POJO class object: 1. Transient state: Object is created by programmer with data. But is doesn't represent any table row. This object does not contains any primary key value. The object which is created for POJO class and which is not under control of hibernate application resides in transient state. 2. Persistent state: The object that represents table row with primary key and managed under control of hibernate software is called as persistent state. This object will be in synchronization with table row.  H ibernate application developer's uses this kind of object in persistent logic development. 3. Detached state: when session is closed persistent context will be destroyed and all the obj...

How to sort list of objects in java with examples

We could achieve list of objects sorting in java by using sort() method which is available under Collections class as well as by using Comparable and Comparator  interfaces. Comparable and Comparator are two interfaces in java used to sort list of objects. These interfaces are available under java.util package along with Collections  class and other classes and interfaces. Comparable interface contains the method of       public int compareTo(Object obj) Comparator interface contains the method of       public int compare(Object obj1, Object obj2) The compare() and compareTo() methods will return negative integer(-1), or zero(0) or positive integer(1). When the first obj1 is less than obj2 method will return negative integer. When obj1 is equals to obj2 will return zero and when obj1 is grater than obj2 it will return positive integer. If it's objects are stored in any Collection classes like ArrayList, H...