Java / javac is not an internal or external command error will face when we didn't set java installation path properly. Here are the different ways to set the java path.
Set java path: When java installation completes, it will creates two sub directories under the top directory of Java. These two sub directories are jdk_version and jre_version.
For ex: you have installed JDK, in program files directory in your local directory the directory will generate with the name of JDK_<Version>. In JDK directory that can create the list of folders. Like bin, jre, etc.
There are 2 types are there to set the java path:
First select the bin path under the jdk/jre directory. Follow these instructions.
Start Menu ---> click on Run ---> type cmd, click on enter --->
C:/set path=c:\j2sdk1.6.07_01\bin;
2.Permanent Path:
First select the bin folder under the jdk/jre directory. Follow these instructions.
Right click on MyComputer ---> go to Properties ---> Advanced --->Environment Variables
---> in System Variables ---> path ---> edit/new ---> Path: c:\jdk1.6.07_01\bin.
In User Variables ---> Classpath ---> edit/new ---> Class path: c:\jre1.6.07_01\lib;
Note: In above, System/User variables path/Classpath is already available in that time you can choose only "Edit" button. If that are not there in that list you can select the "New" button and set name as well as path.
How to check your setting java path working perfectly or not?
Open the Command Prompt (CMD), write java (or) javac click ENTER button. That will display the list of commands on the command prompt. You will get the below exception when you didn’t set the java path properly.
For Ex: javac / java is not an internal or external command
Note: You’re setting the path through the Command prompt, which is not permanent. That can be useful for before shooting down your Computer. Once you restated/shooting down your computer that java never works, that needs to set path once again.
You’re setting the path in MyComputer that is permanently placed. Once you will set java path in environment variables that will be the permanent.
How to set the Java path in Windows 8 / 10?
Open START (or) press windows button ---> Choose Control Panel ---> choose System option ---> choose advanced tab ---> Environment Variables
---> In System Variables ---> path ---> edit/new ---> Path: c:\jdk1.6.07_01\bin;
---> In User Variables ---> Classpath ---> edit/new ---> Class Path: c:\jre1.6.07_01\lib;
Set java path:
For ex: you have installed JDK, in program files directory in your local directory the directory will generate with the name of JDK_<Version>. In JDK directory that can create the list of folders. Like bin, jre, etc.
- By using the Command Prompt (Temporary)
- By placing in the MyComputer (permanent)
Start Menu ---> click on Run ---> type cmd, click on enter --->
2.Permanent Path:
Right click on MyComputer ---> go to Properties ---> Advanced --->Environment Variables
In User Variables ---> Classpath ---> edit/new ---> Class path: c:\jre1.6.07_01\lib;
Note: In above, System/User variables path/Classpath is already available in that time you can choose only "Edit" button. If that are not there in that list you can select the "New" button and set name as well as path.
How to check your setting java path working perfectly or not?
For Ex: javac / java is not an internal or external command
Note: You’re setting the path through the Command prompt, which is not permanent. That can be useful for before shooting down your Computer. Once you restated/shooting down your computer that java never works, that needs to set path once again.
You’re setting the path in MyComputer that is permanently placed. Once you will set java path in environment variables that will be the permanent.
How to set the Java path in Windows 8 / 10?
Open START (or) press windows button ---> Choose Control Panel ---> choose System option ---> choose advanced tab ---> Environment Variables
---> In System Variables ---> path ---> edit/new ---> Path: c:\jdk1.6.07_01\bin;
---> In User Variables ---> Classpath ---> edit/new ---> Class Path: c:\jre1.6.07_01\lib;