Most of the data transmits on Internet
will be in the form of group of characters. Such group of characters are called
as 'String'. JavaSoft people have created a class separately with the name of 'String'
in java.lang package with all necessary methods to work with String.
Even though, String class, it is used often in the form of a data type, as
Creating String:
There are 3 ways to create String in java.
Even though, String class, it is used often in the form of a data type, as
String s = "Java";
Creating String:
There are 3 ways to create String in java.
can create a String just by assigning a group of characters to String type
String s; // Declare String type variable s = "Java"; // Assign a group of charecters to it
two statements can be combined and written here,
In this case JVM creates an object and stores the string: "Java" in that object. This object referenced by the string variable 's'.
String s = "Java";
In this case JVM creates an object and stores the string: "Java" in that object. This object referenced by the string variable 's'.
• We
can create object for String class by allocating memory using new operator.
String s2 = new String("Java");
Here, we are doing two things
first we are creating object for string class using new operator and the
assigning "Hello" to it.
• The
last way creating String is by converting the character arrays into Strings.
char arr[] = {'J','a','v','a'};
Now create string object by
passing the array object to it.
String s3 = new String(arr);
The String object s contains the string : "Hello". This means all the characters of the array are copied into string.
Ex: Here is the example of creating string using 3 ways:
package com.javatbrains.String; public class StringCreation { public static void main(String[] args) { // First way of String creation String s1 = "Java"; // Second way of String creation String s2 = new String("Java"); // Third way of String creation char arr[] = {'J','a','v','a'}; String s3 = new String(arr); System.out.println("First String is: "+s1); System.out.println("Second String is: "+s2); System.out.println("Third String is: "+s3); } } /*OutPut: First String is: Java Second String is: Java Third String is: Java*/
String Comparison
The relational operators like >, >=, <, <=, == and != cannot be used to compare the Strings. On the other hand compareTo() and equals() methods should be used in String comparison.
Ex: Here is the program to compare two strings.
The relational operators like >, >=, <, <=, == and != cannot be used to compare the Strings. On the other hand compareTo() and equals() methods should be used in String comparison.
Ex: Here is the program to compare two strings.
package com.javatbrains.String; public class StringCompare{ public static void main(String[] args) { String s1 = "Hello"; String s2 = new String("Hello"); if(s1==s2){ System.out.println("Both are same"); }else{ System.out.println("Not same"); } } } OutPut: Not same
When an object is created by JVM, it
returns the memory address of the object as a hexadecimal number, which is
called 'Object reference'. When a new
object is created, a new reference number is allotted to it. It means every object
will have new unique reference.
fact that string s1 and string s2 are same. We are getting wrong output in
program. Let us take first statement,
When JVM executes the preceding statement, it creates an object on heap and stores "Hello" in it. A reference number(3a23e5) is allocated for this object.
String s1 = "Hello";
When JVM executes the preceding statement, it creates an object on heap and stores "Hello" in it. A reference number(3a23e5) is allocated for this object.
when the second statement is executed,
JVM creates another object and allotted to another reference(18923f) to it. When if(s1==s2) will compare these reference numbers, both are not same and hence the output will be "Not same".
String s2 = new String("Hello");
JVM creates another object and allotted to another reference(18923f) to it. When if(s1==s2) will compare these reference numbers, both are not same and hence the output will be "Not same".
Ex: Here
is the example of String comparison with equals()
package com.javatbrains.String; public class StringWithEquals{ public static void main(String[] args) { String s1 = "Hello"; String s2 = new String("Hello"); if(s1.equals(s2)){ System.out.println("Both are same"); }else{ System.out.println("Not same"); } } } OutPut: Both are same
In the above example, when if(s1.equals(s2)) will execute it will check
both the contents. So, both the contents are same as "Hello",
output is "Both are same".
String constant pool
String constant pool is a special place
where collection of String references are placed. Now, we will try to know
about the String constant pool.
package com.javatbrains.String; public class StringCompare{ public static void main(String[] args) { String s1 = "Hello"; String s2 = "Hello"; if(s1 == s2){ System.out.println("Both are same"); }else{ System.out.println("Not same"); } } } OutPut: Both are same
String s1 = "Hello";
Here, JVM creates a String object and
stores "Hello" in it. Observe that we are not using new operator to
create String. We are using assignment operator(=) for this purpose. So, after
creating the String object, JVM uses a separate block of memory which is called
String Constant pool and store objects there.
When the next statement String s1= "Hello"; is
executed by the JVM, it searches in the String constant poll to know weather
the object with same content is already available or not. Since the same object
is available there(which is s1), then JVM does not create another object. It
simply creates another reference variable (s2) to the same object and copies
the reference number of s1 into s2.
Immutability of String:
We can divide objects broadly as,
mutable and immutable objects.
Objects: Mutable objects are those objects whose content can be modified.
Immutable objects:
Immutable Objects are those objects,
once created can not be modified. String class objects are immutable.
Let us see the program to test String
objects are immutable or not.
package com.javatbrains.String; public class ImmutableClass{ public static void main(String[] args) { String s1 = "Hello "; String s2 = "world"; //Join s1 and s2 and store it in s1 s1 = s1+s2; System.out.println(s1); } } OutPut: Hello world
Here you got one doubt, if String s1 is immutable that content should be not changeable. But, in the above program when s1 = s1+s2; is get executed s1 content has modified and output showed as 'Hello world'. It means String is mutable, that's wrong. String objects are immutable,
s1 is definitely immutable. In the
program JVM creates two objects s1 and s2 separately as shown in the diagram.
When the s1+s2 is done JVM creates a new object and assigns Helloworld to it.
But, it does not modifies the content of the String s1. After creating the new
object, the reference s1 is adjusted to refer to the new object.
The point we should observe here the
content of the s1 is not modified. This is the reason, strings are immutable.
The old object that contains "Hello "
has lost its reference. So it is called "unreferenced object" and
garbage collector will remove it from memory.
String Buffer
In the above you learnt about the
Strings, Strings are immutable and cannot be modified. To overcome this problem
we have another class called StringBuffer, which represents Strings, such
objects data can be modified. It means StringBuffer class objects are mutable.
There are methods provided in StringBuffer class which directly manupulate the
data inside the object.
Creating StringBuffer Objects:
There are two ways to create a
StringBuffer object, and fill the object with a String.
• We
can create StringBuffer object by using new operator and pass the String to the
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("Hello");
Here, we are passing string
"Hello" to StringBuffer object sb. So, a statement like,
will display "Hello"
• Another
way of creating StringBuffer object is to first allocate memory for
StringBuffer object by using new operator and later storing string into it.
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
Here, I am creating StringBuffer
object, and I am not passing any String to it. In such cases JVM will create sb
object and by defaultly it allocates 16 charecters space in 'Heap memory'.
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(50);
Here, I am creating a StringBuffer
object with empty with the capacity of 50. This is not a fixed size, even we
can add morethan 50 charecters, because StringBuffer objects are mutable it
will expand dynamically in the memory. For storing the charecters into 'sb' we
can use 'append()' method or 'insert()' methods.
sb.append("Hello"); //Add Hello to sb sb.insert(0,"Hello"); //Insert "Hello" from 0th position in sb
String Builder
StringBuilder class has been added in
JDK 1.5 which has same features like StringBuffer class. StringBuilder class
objects are also mutable as are the StringBuffer objects. For creating
StringBuilder class object we can use any of the following statements.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Hello"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(50);
The main difference between StringBuilder and StringBuffer Classes is that the StringBuffer class is synchronized by default and StringBuilder class is not.
It is recommended that when a programmer wants to use a
single thread as is the case generally, he should use StringBuilder
class instead of StringBuffer class, to get faster execution.
StringBuffer/StringBuilder class methods:.
are same methods in StringBuffer and StringBuilder classes,
• StringBuffer/StringBuilder append(x): X may be boolean,byte..any
of the type. It will be added to the StringBuffer/StringBuilder class object.
• StringBuffer/StringBuilder insert(int i,x):X will be
inserted into the StringBuffer/StringBuilder at the position of i.
StringBuffer/StringBuilder delete(int i,int j): It removes charecters from i'th position to till j-1 position.
• StringBuffer/StringBuilder reverse(): This reverses
charecter sequence in the StringBuffer/StringBuilder contains "abc",
it becomes "cba".
• StringBuffer/StringBuilder replace(int i,int j,String str): This replaces the charecters from i to j-1, by the String str.
• String toString(): This converts
StringBuffer/StringBuilder object into String. This will enables us to use
String class method on StringBuffer/StringBuilder object, after its conversion.
String subString(int i): This
retrieves a String from StringBuffer/StringBuilder object starting from i'th
position to till the end.
String subString(int i,int j): This extracts a String from the StringBuffor/StringBuilder
starting from i'th position to j-1'th position.
int lenght(): This returns the no.of charecters in the object.
int indexOf(String str): This returns the first occurance of substring str in the object.
int lastIndexOf(String str): This return the last occurance of substring str in the object.
Ex: Write a program to learn how to use some of the
StringBuffer/StringBuilder class methods by entering input at the time of
running through command prompt.
package com.javatbrains.String; import; import; import; public class StringBufferMethods { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { //Create empty StringBuffer object StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); //to accept data from keyboard BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; //accept sur name System.out.println("Enter sur name: "); String sur = br.readLine(); //accept first name System.out.println("Enter first name: "); String first = br.readLine(); //accept last name System.out.println("Enter last name: "); String last = br.readLine(); //append sur name to sb sb.append(sur); //append last name to sb sb.append(last); //display the name till now System.out.println("Name: "+sb); int n = sur.length();/*n represents no.of chars in sur name*/ sb.insert(n, first);/*insert first name after the nth char*/ //display full name System.out.println("Full name: "+sb); //Reverse and display the name System.out.println("In reverse = "+sb.reverse()); } } OutPut: Enter sur name: Java Enter first name: T Enter last name: Brains Name: JavaBrains Full name: JavaTBrains In reverse = sniarBTavaJ