Unix Commands
- cat - Disaply file content
- cd - Changes directory to dirname
- chgrp - Change file group
- chmod - Changing permissions
- cp - Copy source file into destination
- file - Determine file type
- find - Find files
- grep - Search file for regular expressions
- head - Display first few lines of a file
- ln - Create soft link on oldname
- ls - Display information about file type
- mkdir - Create new directory dirname
- more - Display data in the pagenated form
- mv - move(rename) a old name to new name
- pwd - Print current working directory
- rm - Remove(Delete) filename
- rmdir - Delete an existing directory provided it is empty
- tail - Print last few lines in a file
- touch - Update acess and modification time of a file
- awk - Pattern scanning and processing language
- cmp - Compare the content of two files
- comm - Comapre sorted data
- cut - Cut out selected fields of each line of a file
- diff - Differential file comparator
- expand - expand tabs to spaces
- join - Join file on some common fields
- perl - Data manipulation language
- sed - Stream text editor
- sort - Sort file data
- split - Split file into smallet files
- tr - Transalate charecters
- uniq - Report repeated lines in a file
- wc - Cound words, lines, and charecters
- vi - Opens vi text editor
- vim - Opens vim text editor
- fmt - Simple text formatter
- spell - Check text for spelling error - ispell
- emacs - GNU project Emacs
- ex,edit - Line editor
Compressed Files
- compress - Compresses files
- gunzip - Uncompress gunzip files
- gzip - GNU alternative compression method
- uncompress - Uncompress files
- unzip - List,text & extract compressed files in zip archive
- zcat - Cat a compressed files
- zcmp - Compare compressed files
- zdiff - Compare compressed files
- zmore - File persual filter for crt viewing of compressed text
- apropos - Locate commands by keywords lookup
- info - Display's commands information pages online
- man - Display manual pages online
- whatis - Search the Whatis database for complete words
- yelp - GNOME help viewer
- ftp - File Transfer Program
- rep - Remote file copy
- rlogin - Remote login to a UNIX host
- rsh - Remote shell
- tftp - Trivial File Transfer Program
- telnet - Make terminal communication to another host
- ssh - Secure Shell Terminal(or)Command Connection
- scp - Secure Shell remote file copy
- sftp - Secure shell file transfer program
between Users
- evoluation - GUI mail handling tool on LINUX
- mail - Simple send or read mail program
- mesg - Permit or deny messages
- parcel - Send files to another users
- pine - Vdu-based mail utility
- talk - Talk to another user
- write - Write messages to another user
- dbx - SUN debugger
- gdb - GNU debugger
- make - Maintain program groups and compile programs
- nm - Print programs name list
- size - Print programs sizes
- strip - Remove symbol table relocation bits
- cb - C program defaulter
- cc - ANSI C compiler for SUN SPARC System
- ctrace - C program debugger
- gcc - GNU ANU C Compiler
- indent - Indent and format C program source
- bc - Interactive arithmetic language processor
- gcl - GNU common list
- perl - General purpose language
- php - Webpages embedded language
- py - Python language interpretor
- asp - Webpages embedded language
- cc - C++ Compiler for SUN's SPARC System
- g++ - GNU C++ Compiler
- javac - Java Compiler
- appletViewer – Java Applet Viewer
- netbeans - Java integrated development environment on LINUX
- sqlplus - Run the Oracle SQL interpretor
- sqlldr - Run the Oracle SQL data loader
- mysql - Run the MySQL interceptor
MISC Commands
- chfn - Change your finger information
- chgrp - Change the group ownership of a file
- chown - Change owner
- date - print the date
- datermine - Automatically find terminal type
- du - Print amount of disk usage
- echo - Echo arguments to the standard options
- exit - Quit the system
- finger - Print information about logged-in users
- groupadd - Create a user group
- group - Show group membership
- homequota - Show quota and file usage
- iostat - Report I/O statistics
- kill - Send a signal to a process
- last - show last logins of Usres
- logout - Log off UNIX
- lun - List user names (or) Login Id
- netstat - show network startup
- passwd - Change user pwd, Change your login pwd
- printenv - Display value of a shell variable
- ps - Display the status of current processes, print processes status statistics
- quota-v - Display disk usage and limits
- reset - Reset terminal mode
- script - Keep script of terminal session, save output of cmd
- setenv - Set environment variable
- stty - Set terminal options
- time - Time a command
- top - Display all system processes
- tset - Set teminal mode
- tty - Print current terminal name
- umask - Show the permission that are given to view files by default
- uname - Display name of the current system
- uptime - Get a system up time
- useradd - Create a user account
- users - Print names of logged in users
- vmstat - Report Virtual Memory Statistics
- w - Show what logged in users are doing
- who - List logged in users
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