I would like to take few minutes to tell what are AngularJS 2 advantages than AngularJS 1.x. The advantages of AngularJS 2 are Performance, Changing Web, Mobile and Easy to Use. To start install AngularJS 2 in Windows 10, we need to know which are the required softwares to install. For Angular JS 2 we need to install dependent softwares like, NPM(Node.JS), Visual Studio Code and Git.
Follow these steps to start download & installing the NPM(Node.js). Download the current version of NPM from https://nodejs.org/en/. After completing the download, click on the executable file to start Node.JS/NPM installation process.
Click on Run button to proceed further on NPM installation.
Click on Next button to continue further installation process.
Select the License agreement and click on Next button for further installation.
Choose the NPM/Node JS installation directory and click on Next button. If you don't want to change the installation directory, directly click on Next button.
Select the way you want features to be installed, if you don't want to changes anything click on Next button.
Click on Install button to start installation process. Then Windows will ask NodeJS software installation to be allow or not? Yes, to continue further installation process.
You can see the above screenshot which will show the Node.JS installation progress. It will take a while to isntall, sit back and take rest until it will complete.
Click on the Finish button to complete your Node.JS/NPM installation process.
To confirm the Node.JS/NPM installation is success or not, open the Command Prompt(Win+R --> cmd) and change directory path to local installed directory. Then execute the below command to see the above JSON format data.
npm version