
Showing posts with the label java interview questions and answers

Java basics interview questions and answers

In this post we will come to know about the java basic interview questions and answers. This will helps to refresh basic interview questions knowledge before attending the interview. If you people are facing any extra questions in interview which is not present in this post or blog, please share through "Contact here" in the below gadget or drop me an email to " ".  Q1: Describe a java source file? A: A java source file must have .java extension.  It should have at least one top-level, public class definition and any number of non-public class definitions. The file name(without the extension) should match the public class name. File: Public       public class PubliClass{         ....      } Q2: What is the ByteCode? A: Each java program converted into one or more class files. The content of the source file is a set of instructions called ByteCode to be executed by Java Virtual Machine (JVM). JVM is an interpr